Track your Ocean shipment with a Professional

We verify the status of your shipment with Steamship Lines, Freight Forwarders, NVOCCs, Co-loaders, Container Yards, Container Freight Stations, Exam Sites, CFS, CES, Trucking Terminals, and Manifests.

Speak with a Professional Transportation Analyst

Most Track and Trace websites are useful tools for locating freight, but if you need more than an automated response, we offer personalized service. We will review your shipment data and contact you by email or telephone with near-real-time details of your shipment.

CET, MET, Stratified, VACCIS, Intensive Exam?

Exam Status: Usually it means waiting on the exam and release, but you don’t want to be the reason for the delay.

Bill of Lading:
19 ----- Number of Pieces
20 ----- Weight
This could be the steamship line bill of lading number, or the freight forwarder’s BL
Automated Manifest System Bill of Lading number. If you have a copy of the ISF (Importer Security Filing), it will show the AMS bill of Lading number. May match the indirect carrier’s BL
The Direct Carrier’s Bill of Lading Number --- the Steamship Line
The bill of lading of the freight forwarder, NVOCC, or co-loader
Ocean Container Number
The port where the cargo was loaded onto the vessel
The port where the vessel discharged the containers
Termination point of the bill of lading
Consignor. Party that shipped the goods. Usually the Exporter or his agent.
Name of the ship
21 -------------------- Sailing Date
The freight forwarder or Non-Vessel-Operating Common Carrier or Indirect Carrier or Co-loader
The direct carrier
US Customs Importer ID Number
US Federal Tax Identification Number


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